
What is Romantic Love and Have You Experienced it in Your Life?

In a world filled with movies like Bridget Jones and Sex and the City, romantic love is often seen as the Holy Grail. We watch women and men whose lives seem to revolve around falling in love, falling out of love and back in again. In truth this is not the case for most of us; there are many different types of love which are all deeply meaningful, and equally as important as romantic love. But this does present a problem - how do we know romantic love from the love we feel through friendship? Romantic love means different things to different people. For most there is a strong element of physical attraction involved. The lust element of love is a defining factor for most people in their quest for romantic love. Many find that once the lust element of their relationship fades they begin to feel just a friendship with their partner/spouse. Often by this time it is too late, and people may settle for companionship with their partner rather than having true romantic love. Have you ever hear